Ozane Pest Control’s Growth and Eco-Friendly Approach

At the recent OCBA business networking lunch meeting, Jesse Herdman, Sales Professional at Ozane Termite and Pest Control, provided valuable insights into the recent changes at this trusted pest control provider serving Ocean and Monmouth Counties. With Ozane’s recent acquisition by a larger company, Jesse explained that while ownership has transitioned, Ozane remains committed to … Read more

A Salute to the Small Business Owner

Gary W. Herviou | Vice PresidentA Neumann & Associates, LLC | C: 908-415-3700 | O: 732-872-6777 There are countless stories about small business start-ups. My father, Andre Herviou, is a small business owner.  He came to the United States in 1967 – learned a new language, forged some key relationships, invested the little money he … Read more